10 Tips For Mastering Job Interviews

career May 01, 2018

Interviewing is a tough time in a person’s life. You are nervous because you want to be asked to the next stage of the process. Maybe you've already tried on this job mentally and have a certain vision for how it would be if you get the job. You want to give a good first impression while at the same time learn more about the potential opportunity, company culture, and people you might be working with. The tips below will help you on your way to mastering job interviews.

10 tips for mastering job interviews:

1.) Research the company

There are many resources available for you to research the company and opportunity. Search them online, review periodicals, check LinkedIn and Glassdoor, and network to find out what there is to know about the company. This will make you look knowledgable and will help you feel more confident.

2.) Prepare a list of questions to ask

What do you want to know about the company and the opportunity? What did your research tell you about where the company is heading? Make sure to come with a list of questions. It will make you seem more interested in the position and proactive. Ask as many questions as you have time for but know when to stop.

3.) Practice & prepare your answers

Many of the questions you’re going to be asked are the same wherever you go. Prepare your answers in advance and practice them. If you have a colleague, friend or family member that can help, enlist them and hold mock interviews. It’s particularly helpful to do mock interviews with someone who holds a position like the one you are pursuing.

4.) Dress appropriately

Dress for the company, the opportunity, and the interviewer. If you’re interviewing with a fashion company or a creative position then it’s important to dress with the style of the role. If you’re interviewing for management or an accountant position then traditional suits are appropriate.

A casual or business casual office can be the hardest to pick your form of dress. In these cases, it’s best to dress stylishly and nice enough that you are showing respect to the company for having you interview, but not formal. Wearing a suit to a casual office can give the impression that you don’t understand the company or culture. When in doubt, overdress – but only to a certain extent.

5.) Know who you’re interviewing with

At the very minimum, check their LinkedIn and Facebook pages and Google their name. This may help you prepare some appropriate and relevant questions. Maybe you even have something in common with them that you could bring up.

6.) Stay positive

People are attracted to positive and optimistic people. When you’re interacting with the interviewer and responding to their questions, stay positive. If you have had challenges in the past, you’ll want to practice your answers so you can frame the challenges in a positive light.

7.) Relax

Yes, interviewing is stressful. However, the more relaxed you are, the more productive the entire experience will be for everyone. You relax and everyone else will relax too. Take 3 deep breaths before you walk into the building to help calm your nervous system. Then, take the attitude that you are going to meet your new colleagues.

8.) Come prepared with the proper information

Come prepared with business cards, a notebook, and pen for taking notes and a few resumes and references. Even if you don’t use them, being prepared can make you feel more confident.

9.) Take notes

If you have any questions, write them down as you make your way through the interview. That way you don’t have to interrupt the interviewer and can ask the questions when it’s appropriate to do so. Also, taking notes will help you communicate with the company during follow-up conversations. Include any key points that you want to refer back to in your thank you note.

10.) Treat everyone as your networking prospect

Always be gracious. Your interviewers have taken time out of their busy schedules to meet you and determine if you are the right fit for the role. Even if ends up that you aren't interested in the job, or the interview doesn't go well, don't forget that this company may have other positions or this interviewer might know others in another company that you can get referred to. It can pay to not give up in a difficult situation.

Mastering job interviews is a skill that can be improved with practice. Be yourself. By following these tips, you will feel more confident and give yourself the best chance for success.


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