You’ve noticed that your team isn’t working together well lately and they are complaining about each other to you. Or, maybe one of your stars isn’t hitting the mark anymore. That new hire hasn’t hit their stride as you thought they would by now. Your detail person has been making mistakes lately. Perhaps you’ve noticed the office is pretty quiet at 5 o’clock.
These are all signs of trouble, signals your employees are disconnected from their jobs. These are all signs of weak engagement.
Engagement can be low for many reasons. The person could be the wrong fit for the company or the manager. They could be going through a life change. A wedding, baby, divorce, death in family, new home, side gig, even a new pet can cause someone to be distracted at work or have other priorities.
But many times, it’s the job itself that has caused the lack of enthusiasm. And um, sometimes as the manager, whether you like to admit or not, you are even the cause....
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