Blog- Jill Avey Coaching

Get The Benefits Of Meditation, Even When You Think You Are Bad At It

You’ve heard people say it, “to meditate, just clear your mind”.

When you have tried to meditate, you had high hopes of reaching that deep, peaceful, distraction-free space people talk about. Maybe you even felt it yesterday or last week. But this time, it didn’t happen.

Then you felt like a failure and maybe even that you weren’t cut out for meditation. You might have criticized yourself a little.

What happened instead was that you kept thinking about things; your upcoming day, the meeting you just had, when to pick the kids up, the game your team lost last weekend, and on and on and on. In fact, you might even have forgotten to focus at all. It might have felt like all you did was sit down and think.

If you have ever felt this way, you are not alone. All of these feelings are completely normal. Every meditator feels this way sometimes. It doesn’t mean you are bad at meditation at all. Talk to any seasoned meditator and they will tell you they...


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