One popular definition of mindset is "a disposition, attitude or mood." That being said, it makes sense that clearing your mind of clutter goes a long way in helping you get more organized.
When you're not clear-headed, it's very difficult to practice organizational skills.
One of the best ways to clear your mind of clutter is to take the time to write down your feelings. You can either do this in a journal that you keep, or a piece of paper that you throw away once you're finished. Recent studies indicate that jotting down negative thoughts really does help to clear your mind and make you feel better. Create a daily practice of journaling to regularly clear your mind.
More and more stressed-out individuals are using meditation to clear the clutter in their heads. When life is hectic, do you ever feel as though you're having a non-stop conversation (with yourself) in your head? If so, it's nothing to worry about.
Many people experience the same...
Everyone thinks they’re good multitaskers. But, the truth is, no one is good at multitasking. The human brain is not designed for it. Sure, we can chew gum, walk and talk and so forth, but when your brain needs to focus on a task such as reading, driving, learning, writing and that type of thing, it’s not a good idea to try to multitask.
The truth is, what we call multitasking is really what is termed "task switching". This means that you can go back and forth between tasks such as watching TV and reading, for example, but you’re not really doing both at the same time.
When you don’t give 100 percent of your focus to the task at hand, it will take longer. Try it for yourself:
The next time you need to get something done, set a timer for 30 minutes. Do only that task. Don’t watch TV, listen to the radio, check your phone or anything. Then do the same task again for the same amount of...
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