Blog- Jill Avey Coaching

Signs of Sleep Deprivation

If you've been needing an extra pick-me-up in the afternoons, or a second cup of coffee to even get going in the morning, you might be sleep deprived. Even if you think you're getting enough sleep, you may be suffering from sleep deprivation without knowing it. The symptoms of sleep deprivation are not necessarily as clear-cut as you might think; in other words, it's not just feeling sleepy all the time that is your cue that you're short on sleep. So how do you know? Here are some tips.


Everyone has trouble sleeping now and then. We all experience the occasional sleepless night and groggy morning. We may even go through a period when we experience these things more frequently, such as during life transitions and stresses. But when sleep deprivation may be a problem is when it is a regular occurrence and is unrelated to circumstances.

Sleep Debt

Experts point out "sleep debt" as a way in which sleep deprivation can enter your life without you necessarily...


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